Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Being Proud Of Who You Are

There was an article in the Sunday Review of this week's New York Times by Maureen Dowd. I've been down on her in my mind lately because she just seems to be bashing Obama and giving example after example of how weak a leader he's turning out to be. I don't want to read or hear that shit.

In her most recent article, she actually came up with something I was glad to read. The article, titled "Egghead and Blockheads" highlights something that's been bothering me about Republicans specifically for years and people in general my whole life.

Read her opinion piece, it's eye opening if it covers a topic you've never considered before. She points out examples of the most prominent Republicans these days (Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Rick Perry) and how they seem proud of their lack of knowledge about the world around them.

It's mystifying to my why people would prefer not knowing things over knowing things. I've experienced conversations with people where they literally appear in pain when something I've said or asked requests that they really use their brain and think and think hard. They look like their stomachs and backs and brains and hearts hurt.

Signing up to govern people should take you beyond that desire to be a complete idiot. It's your job to think things through. It's your job to care about how stuff affects others. But apparently, it's become preferable to not think. I'm assuming their high poll numbers are only confirming to these idiots that being an idiot is a good thing. Sigh, I only hope a majority of voters can figured out that being an idiot is not preferable over someone who actually likes to think.

While I'm on the subject of my disdain for preferred ignorance, I'd like to talk about all the things that bother me about people.

1. I can't stand it when a person forgets someone else's humanity. People are all people. All of them. Even the ones who don't look like you or talk like you or live like you. I think if more people got this, it's be a lot harder to demonize others and be so xenophobic.

2. I dislike when someone is really unattractive. God didn't bless everyone with perfectly symmetrical, visually appealing features. But everyone has something about their appearance they can play up. Taking good care of your outside tends to reflect on the inside as well. I'm referring to both personality and health. If you look like you haven't bothered to enhance your features or play up your positive attributes, I'm turned off very strongly.

3. I don't like people who have terrible personalities and/or senses of humor. I think that taking yourself seriously is fine, but you have to be able to relax and let your hair down. You don't have to share my sense of humor or sensibility, but you certainly should have some personality to speak of. My memory for unremarkable people is non-existent.

4. I don't like people who are mean. I'm one of the most blunt (bluntest??) people I know and my parents, fiance, and best friends constantly refer to me as an asshole. It's almost become a term of endearment because I don't mince words or shield people from the truth to protect egos or feelings. But I'm not mean. My brother is mean, he does things simply to try and hurt other peoples' feelings, without regard of the destructive (as opposed to constructive) nature of his words/actions. I will never understand that impulse.

5. I really hate when someone isn't self aware. Be your own person! You can't live your own life to please others. You will be very unhappy if you wait until you can't take it anymore and have a mid-life crisis and then finally turn into the real you. Might as well just start today. And know your attributes and flaws. Don't embrace the flaws as if they're attributes, but be aware of who you are so you know who you should be. Just be real!

Okay, that last bit wasn't at all about politics, but I really felt like it needed to be said. To sum this whole post up: care! Please care about the world around you and yourself! And demand that your leaders do the same.

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