Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Choosing Your Company

There are times when you can choose who you spend time around. That would be your choice of friends, and hopefully, your choice of mate. I feel pretty lucky in this regard. My fiance, Easy, is absolutely amazing and I figure in 50 years I'll still want to choose him like I do today. We'll see.

Image via How To Do Things
There are times when you can't choose your company. You can't choose your family. Well, there is adoption.

Image via Brad Pitt - Information
But usually, you have no say over whether your mother is overbearing or your brother a no-show at family events or your child decides to be a stripper (hopefully not while still an actual under-18-years-old child).

I started thinking about these things while reading the live blogging of the CNN/Tea Party debate that happened last night. Seriously?! CNN and the Tea Party co-hosting the Republican debate? Talk about odd bedfellows.

Image via CNN
I found myself palpably feeling Rick Perry descending from his high regard amongst Tea Party members. It was bound to happen. The man supported Al Gore for president. He was a Democrat for quite a while in his political career. But I know he wished he could be anywhere else than on that stage with all those other Republicans ready to tear him down as the current front runner.

I can't think of any situations right now I'd like to escape from. I like all the company I currently choose/have to spend time around. Lucky me.

Do you like the company you keep? Would you escape from anyone if you could?

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